Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tinkers by Paul Harding a Pulitzer Bust

Pulitzer prize winning books should be a cut above, they should appeal to a broader audience than the critics and eggheads, and they should be entertaining and well written. Tinkers only covers one, it is well written with meticulous detail and craft. But as a story it lacks the interest that I feel a prize winner should have. Books like The Road by McCarthy and To Kill a Mockingbird, and In Cold Blood; these are well written books with a great story.
How much detail do we need about the workings of a clock and its metaphoric link with the Universe? You want to read a great story about a dying man, read The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy he addresses this topic in less than a hundred pages with style and a story line. Sorry but I could not award this albeit well written book the Pulitzer.

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